Friend, Legend, Teacher
Our beloved Galway Warrior passed away on the evening of July 2, 2009.
Warrior was 26 years old when he passed. No one ever
expected that he'd be with us to such an age - which is almost unheard of in a
draft horse. He was a strong, yet kind fellow with a presence and
disposition that one will never forget.
We are truly blessed to have had him with us for all these years.
Warrior shall always be remembered as the father of the drum horse breed in
America. He introduced many people to the breed, and inspired them to
breed others in his image.
Galway Warrior has left behind a generation of spectacular
offspring, which will carry on in his wake.
He will be missed, but never
Rest in peace my big friend.

Galway Warrior is the
world famous
Drum Horse stallion that was once owned by the Queen of England, as a sire of drum horses! He
was purchased as a 3 year old by Sir John Miller on behalf of Her Majesty The
He was broken in at Windsor Stables where he was also trained to carry drums,
then went on to cover mares at The Royal Paddocks, at Hampton Court Palace.
He stands an honest 17.1 hands high, and is by the Immortal champion Shire stallion, Edingale
Mascot. Mascot won the Shire Horse championship in England many times
before being exported to the USA in 1984. He is one of the best known
Shire stallions of the '80s, and has sired some fabulous offspring, including
Galway Warrior, out of a colored, part-shire mare.
Warrior has sired
some fabulous horses in the UK, and in the USA.
More pictures of Warrior may be seen on his Breyerfest page
by clicking here.
Read more about Drum Horses by
clicking here.

Warrior in July, 2003 at "Breyerfest". Breyer made a model of Warrior into
a limited edition porcelain model, which sold out well before the weekend was
over! For all the pictures and details check out the Breyerfest page by
Clicking Here.